Course Description

If you are a renter who likes to be prepared and educated on how to potentially make your rental experience more pleasant and long lasting, this would be a good course to take. Many struggle with the thought, “If only I knew about that beforehand I could have avoided these problems and additional expenses.” Have you ever thought that, after you got hit with a bill from the landlord for costs you never anticipated? Don’t get blindsided by extra expenses. Find out how to avoid incurring additional costs above your usual rent payments. This information could be beneficial in helping you become a sought after renter.

For landlords this video could be helpful in giving your renters a quick overview explanation of some of the most common terms and addendums in your rental agreements. It could help save you time having to explain to each renter how they can honor the terms of their contract and avoid battles with you over avoidable costs and breaches. Purchase the video for your renters or encourage them to enroll in this course.

Real Estate Investor

Teresa Billingsley

Teresa Billingsley is a third generation rental property owner. She has owned and managed for twenty-five years. After seeing landlords unnecessarily expose themselves to problems she wrote the books, “A Learning Stage: for Property Owners & Managers,” “A Learning Stage 2: A Landlord’s Advocate and Teacher,” & “A Learning Stage 3: Property Management 101.”

Course curriculum

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    Tenancy Tips for Renters - Introduction

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    Tenancy Tips for Renters - 1

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    Tenancy Tips for Renters - 2

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    Tenancy Tips for Renters - 3

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    Tenancy Tips for Renters - 4

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    Tenancy Tips for Renters - 5

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    Tenancy Tips for Renters - 6

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